Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Focus Height In Bukit Penara Balik Pulau Ground Floor Shoplot For Rent

Ground floor shoplot located in Bukit Penara Balik Pulau is for rent now. The said premise is directly facing Bukit Penara market and food court, Balik Pulau Bus Terminal also just a stone throw distance. Nearby amenities are KFC restaurants, Banks and others. Size about 22' x 65' @ 1430sf. Rental asking is RM2500 per month.

-佔地面積1760方尺(阔22尺 x 长80尺)
-实用面積1430方尺(阔22尺 x 长65尺)

Off Perak Lane Opp Sri Wonder Complex Ground Floor Shoplot For Rent

A ground floor shoplot on Lintang Sungai Pinang Off Perak Lane is for rent at RM2500 per month. Land area about 1300sf. Partly renovated, fancy ceiling board and many extra power points. Suitable for showroom, office, rerstaurant and etc.

(Above) Extra concealed power points

(Above) Fancy ceiling. If you like the colors